dilluns, 13 de juny del 2016

5 paisos

BRAZIL- It hs bright colors. It has huge beaches and super nice . It has a super decorated and very nice homes. Also it has super friendly inabitants.I meeting in Brazil.

JAPAN- Japan is huge and has lots of huge and beatiful houses. It has very different wais from those of Spain. The people are different clothes to Spain. There are different food having lots of vegies.Have a lot money.

FRANCE- It is a great and beatiful country. You have houses full of flowers or decorated super.It has people very, very, very good. Has vey relaxing very romantic music. I love the Eiffel Tower.                      
AUSTRALIA- Australia is beautiful country. I would love to live in Australia that has very good food what you see in photos.It has very good music. It has many beatiful homes. It has many famous people.

GERMANY- ,Germany is a big country. It is very, very nice. It has many inhabitants. It has a lot of  music. He has very cool clothes.

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